Building resilience

Our Family Support Service offers both practical and emotional help to whole families and individual family members, including children and provides an intensive package of outcomes focussed support for separated families with complex or longer term needs.

We can work with people to help:

• Build confidence and trust within separated parents and their families and confront fears.
• To address the loss of social networks and security following family breakdown.
• Support children, separated parents and other family members for whom contact fails.
• Develop parenting skills and an understanding of children’s needs.
• Break down barriers to mediation, contact and family progression.
• Consider all forms of family contact.

For information about our work with children, see our Children and Young People page.

This service is free to users but we do ask clients to contribute towards the service they receive, if they can afford to do so. See our fees and contributions page.

We also offer Parenting Apart sessions and a Post Box service to help children keep in contact with family:-